Travis Hillier
Search Director
Travis Hillier joined Peña Search in 2015, where he conducts and supports searches at many different levels. He is committed to finding and placing the right leaders that will have a demonstrable impact in their communities and organizations. Travis is motivated by the missions of his clients and is dedicated to finding the ideal candidate for the nonprofits with which he works.
Possessing search experience across a broad array of sectors and positions, Travis brings significant expertise to searches on behalf of educational organizations, those with religious affinities or affiliations, and agencies with international programmatic or fundraising components. He has also carved out a niche on the Peña Search team for his skill identifying talented development officers.
Travis graduated from St. Mark’s School of Texas before earning a bachelor’s degree in history and psychology from Northwestern University. He is based in Chicago. When he’s not working or serving as a leader in his city’s rowing community, Travis enjoys roving Chicago’s neighborhoods for the best restaurants and bars or cooking for his friends and wife.